Intuitive Drawing
Intuitive drawing is a way to transform the fear and chaos of our world into something more calming and peaceful. Learn how to let go, be spontaneous, and enjoy yourself. It's a great way to express emotions and feelings, as well as boost creativity. Open your mind. Open your heart.
2022年5月08日 14:00 – 15:30
Vancouver Convention Centre West, Hall A, 1055 Canada Pl, Vancouver, BC V6C 0C3, Canada
Materials will be provided on site.Â
Instructor: Lisa Wolfin
Lisa studied at the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandise in Los Angeles, as a Fashion Designer before moving to Paris to work at Christian Dior. “Art is a way to express yourself, any kind of medium. Faces, landscapes and flowers are my passion and I love trying something new within my work am inspired by all aspects of art. Painting in oil, acrylics, watercolours and mixed media. Lisa is continuing her studies through online classes as well as teaching them.
To see more of Lisa's work, visit her on Instagram at @lwolfin
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