Lino Cut Print Making (printmaking without a press)
This hands on session will give participants a chance to experiment with relief printmaking techniques from monoprints to ""easy cut"" to lino. Using the theme “Secret Garden” as inspiration, you will have the opportunity to complete a multi layered print, an edition of one coloured print.
2023年5月07日 11:15 – 13:15
Vancouver, 1055 Canada Pl, Vancouver, BC V6C 0C3, Canada
About the Instructors:
Kit Grauer and Peter Scurr
Kit Grauer and Peter Scurr are retired art educators that have been involved in teaching art for over forty years each; teaching students in kindergarten through graduate school. They have presented art making sessions in conferences all across Canada, The United States, China, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Europe, and South America. Since retiring from UBC and Delta School District, respectively, Kit and Peter have been actively involved in volunteering to lead workshops at their studio on Galiano Island for Elder College, numerous school and service groups and an international printmaking collective.
Kit Grauer, PhD. Professor Emerita Art and Museum Education UBC.
Peter Scurr, retired Art and Graphics teacher