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Artwork Information

This artwork is a symbol of rising above difficulties. It represents a girl coming out from the ground upside down, her arms still tied down being a part of the ground which represents struggle. But she still rises above to transform into a Lotus which represents a new life and a new beginning.
I created this piece while I was going through really rough times, during which I saw there was no hope. But deep inside I did not want to surrender to the no-hope idea, and I kept telling myself that there will be a rise after each fall. I painted Rebirth to remind me of what will be. Painting it help me go through that phase. And seeing the result made me realize, that I have made it through.


  • Lara J. Trad

    Lebanese artist Lara J. Trad was born on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, but her lifelong dream was to study art in Rome, the eternal city. After studying at La Sapienza - Valle Giulia, Italy's most prestigious university, she returned to Lebanon where she received her BA in Graphic Design at the American University of Technology. Her passion for art took her in different directions, one of which was photography. Lara J. has several international awards for her work. Lara J. aims at telling stories in her each and every painting. What first strikes the viewer in her paintings is the absence of well-defined, recognizable faces. Lara J. strongly believes that undefined faces help the viewers relate more freely to what they're looking at, therefore connect and interact, be it at the subconscious level, and from there, find themselves, looking at their very own stories, their deepest emotions. She strongly believes that undefined faces help the viewers relate more freely to what they're looking at. Therefore, connect and interact at the emotional and subconscious levels. Her paintings and photographs have participated in exhibitions in Lebanon, Spain, Italy, and the United States. While her abstract photography has won 2 consecutive international awards. She Is currently located in Tbilisi, where she had her latest exhibition in one of the most prestigious museums of Georgia: The Georgian Museum of Fine Arts. Also, she is working on a new series in preparation for her solo exhibition which will also take place in Tbilisi Georgia, while participating in more international exhibitions around the world.
  • Year Participated in Art Vancouver

  • Size

    90x60 cm
  • Weight (Lbs.)

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